Conquer The Winter Blues With Style

Author Olivia Scully / Category Health / Published: July-12-2023

Winter can be a drag, especially when your social media feed is filled with envy-inducing Euro summer pics while you’re bundled up at home. But hey, you have all the time in the world now to scroll threads so, jokes on them!

Fear not, with the right mindset, you can beat the winter funk and get through this season with style.

We get the importance of feeling good and looking great even when it’s freezing outside so read on as we tell you how to conquer the winter blues!


1.    Break A Sweat
Let’s face it, winter can make you feel sluggish but even though you might hate to hear it, exercise is your secret weapon! By getting your blood pumping and endorphins flowing to embrace a winter workout routine your mood will be boosted almost instantly.

The Great Outdoors

Sure, your Instagram feed might be a parade of sun-kissed beaches and reels on Mykonos travel tips but who needs that when you can rug up in your latest Winter tracksuit purchase and take the frosty outdoors by storm.

Retail Therapy for the Win

Whoever said money can’t buy happiness has clearly never splurged on a new activewear set. Treat yourself to something that makes you feel and look your best. The STAX. Winter 23 collection is packed with cosy and stylish tracksuits that will keep you feeling warm and confident, and our Premium Seamless favourites collection is sure to put a pep in your step.

Indulge in indoor Adventures

Some days may be too cold to go outside so it’s time to embrace your inner homebody and find joy in activities that make you forget all about how cold it is. It’s also the perfect time to get on top of the life admin you’ve been putting off since summer!

Embrace Self-Care

Right now, is the perfect time to channel your inner Zen and indulge in some self-care. Create a cosy sanctuary at home with blankets, scented candles, your favourite romcom. Take time to unwind, recharge and nourish your body and soul.
Self-care is an essential part of embracing your best self!